NewsNow E-Edition October 17 2024 – View Online

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About newsnow

newsnow is 100% Niagara owned and operated.

News Now Grimsby Ontario Office

NewsNow’s mission, should we choose to accept it, is to provide our readers of all ages – both print and digital – with every bit of information we can to make them better informed citizens.

Information sought may be the time of an upcoming Peach Kings’ game. It might be the time and location of an upcoming concert at Blessed Trinity. It might be the date of this weekend’s roast beef dinner at a local church or it could be news your municipality has finally decided to complete road repairs in your area.

Our website will convey this information via the written word, video pieces and podcasts, always with an eye to serving up content in the manner in which it is desired by our readers.

Readership is our #1 Focus.

A quality publication – whether print or digital – which stays local, provides accurate, trusted information will generate dedicated readership.

That is what we have. That is what we will continue to do and we will expand our content variety to do so.

With all that in mind, we hope you find our new web format easy to navigate and informative.

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Our Team

Mike Williscraft

General Manager
Catherine Bratton

Tristan Marks

Sales Consultants
Erica Huisman
Rose Bayer

Donna Wisnoski

newsnow is owned and operated by 16002207 Ontario Ltd.


Grimsby Office
1 Mountain Street
Grimsby, Ontario  L3M 3J6

Publishing Information

newsnow is published every Thursday, going to every home in West Niagara & Winona

Circulation 26,529

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