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Nick DiFlavio, Ward 4, Grimsby 2022

Nick DiFlavio

Nick DiFlavio, Ward 4, Grimsby 2022

Nick DiFlavio is a special education teacher who has worked with special needs children and adults for more than three decades. Nick lives with his wife Chantal and his four children on Main Street West in Grimsby.

With a strong belief in civic duty, Nick has volunteered on the West Niagara Second Stage board, with Doors Open, Grimsby Basketball Association, Stoney Creek Aquatic Team, the Grimsby Authors Series, served on the Niagara Trillium Review Team and with numerous other organizations in West Niagara.  

First elected to Grimsby Town Council in 2003, Nick has always worked to control spending, build reserves, expand parks and facilities, and protect and enhance service levels over his 15+ years on Council. He has provided consistent leadership, preserving Grimsby’s past through strong heritage policies and providing a vision for the future through long-term planning policies.

Nick has always responded promptly, thoughtfully, and thoroughly to the concerns of residents and helped to advocate on behalf of all residents of Grimsby.



  • Over 15 years on Council, Nick has helped reduce debt while rebuilding reserves
  • Removed the library and arena debentures from the tax roll in 2015 and lowered taxes as promised



  • ensured better long-term land-use planning in Grimsby through new Official Plan and Zoning Bylaws 
  • facilitated West End Waterfront Master Plan, making long-term permanent public access to a Grimsby waterfront trail a reality


  • Nick has worked to expand parkland and improve park facilities and outdoor play areas throughout Grimsby including the splashpads, pool, and Southward Park 
  • Nick has fought to reclaim waterfront land, expanding the waterfront trail wherever possible


  • Making Grimsby safer by reducing speed limits nears parks and schools
  • Constantly improving infrastructure through watermain replacement and hot-mix paving programs 
  • continuously building on active transportation routes, like bicycle lanes, walking and running paths


  • helped reshape the downtown by advocating for heritage and façade improvement grants
  • Nick has worked hard to preserve and protect Grimsby’s architectural, natural, and cultural heritage through strong heritage preservation policies
  • Grimsby was awarded the National Heritage Trust Award for excellence in heritage preservation and serves as an example for municipalities across Canada


Nick will:

  • Bring back standing committees with laymembers
  • continue to balance prudent budgetary spending with the needs of an ever-changing Grimsby population
  • continue to work towards improved transportation and infrastructure 
  • continue working with other levels of government to promote the planning needs of our municipality
  • continue to work as a part of the Council team to bring “made in Grimsby” solutions to local issues
  • continue to work constructively to revitalize our downtown through the implementation of recommendations within the Community Improvement Plan
  • continue to work for the preservation of Grimsby heritage 

I am here to serve. My primary vision of the role of Councillor has always been simple:

Service to Our Community

I hope I can continue to listen to and serve the residents of Ward 4 for many years to come.

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