NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Nameer Rahman, Ward 4, Grimsby 2022

Nameer Rahman






Nameer Rahman, Ward 4, Grimsby 2022

There is no reason why a town of fewer than thirty thousand people should have as much
drama on its council as Grimsby does, and yet here we are – two back-to-back terms of
council where personal drama seems to dominate over the very real business of people’s
While it would seem reasonable to write exclusively about the “issues”, we are not in a place
where the issues seem to be discussed in any rational manner. So my brief commitment is to
do three things if I am privileged enough to serve on council;
1) Communicate to ensure that fellow councillors and residents understand the benefits and
consequences of the options ahead of them,
2) Collaborate with fellow councillors to ensure that the solutions developed for Grimsby’s
needs are as robust as possible (ideally win-win positions) and finally;
3) Compromise with another to encompass as many considerations as possible are covered
in the pursuit of the public interests of the residents of Grimsby.
Without being able to do these three things, particularly collaborate and compromise, council
will find itself stuck in the same loop it has found itself in over the last eight years.
Righting this ship will require a council of like-minded individuals who can do these three
things. But it is up to the residents of Grimsby to find and vote in individuals who can put
public interests ahead of petty private feuds.

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