NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Jeff Jordan, Mayor, Grimsby 2022

Jeff Jordan

















Jeff Jordan, Mayor, Grimsby 2022

For the past four years, I have had the honour to be Mayor of Grimsby and represent Grimsby residents, the Town and all that embodies the special place we call home.  Upon taking office in 2018, I admit the initial learning curve was steep, but my dedication to our residents and wanting what is best for the Town quickly allowed me to fulfill resident expectations of a good and accessible Mayor.

It is important to bring openness and accountability of the Town and Council on all levels back to residents.  A crucial first step that was accomplished was getting our meetings online for the public.  In our next term of Council, I am hopeful we can build upon that and bring back the Standing Committee system, leveraging the background expertise of Councillors and putting citizen voices back on important committees such as Planning and Development.

For further accessibility, I also want to implement an “open mic” segment at our Council meetings where residents are free to address Council on any comments or concerns they may have.  The overall dialogue between residents and municipal government is one that must be continually advanced.

In this election, I encourage residents to take a deep and critical look at the candidates, especially the incumbents and determine whether they have been working for the best interests of Grimsby, or simply stood in the way of progress.   Every member of our next term of Council needs to listen to the community and act in their best interests, rather than the opinions or advice of an inner circle of voices.

Despite the challenges of the pandemic and the current Council composition, both Council and I were able to accomplish many important milestones including getting shovels in the ground for our new hospital, protection of Grimsby Beach, a Town whistleblowing policy, commencement of a Main Street East Heritage Cultural District study, and the launch and expansion of Niagara Regional Transit.  When the community brought issues such as hunting to our attention, Council listened and dealt with matters to the satisfaction of residents.

One of my important highlights as Mayor has been at Regional Council where on behalf of Grimsby taxpayers, I along with our Regional Councillor successfully secured $12.6 million for the new hospital, where the Region was only recommending $9.07 million.  

 With a new and more cohesive Council I feel that we can exceed our 2018-2022 accomplishments and focus on new and important initiatives for the betterment of Grimsby.  Items that immediately come to mind include drafting our new Official Plan in consultation with the community, introducing a comprehensive Tree By-law to address dwindling canopy, strengthening our protection of Greenbelt lands from development pressures, keeping taxes in check and enhancing the protection of our important heritage resources in the Town.

 This October, when it is time to cast your ballot for Mayor, I sincerely would appreciate your consideration and vote.   With my ongoing dedication and commitment to working with the residents, we can move Grimsby forward together.

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