NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Harold Jonker, Ward 2, West Lincoln 2022

Harold Jonker








Harold Jonker, Ward 2, West Lincoln 2022

I am asking the residents of Ward 2 to put their confidence in me again this term. My experience in the last term as a business owner and a family man has given me the skills to continue to work hard for the residents of Ward 2.I have served with honesty and worked to keep taxes to a reasonable level while continuing to ensure that service levels and infrastructure are maintained and improved. I have always made myself available to help any residents with concerns and I look forward to continuing to do so for the next 4 years. 

    If I am reelected I will continue to respect everyone no matter who they are or what they believe or what their background is. I will continue to speak and stand for the truth and treat everyone with respect and love as I would like to be treated. We must listen to and address the concerns of all our residents. Differences of opinion will, always be part of our community, but that doesn’t mean West Lincoln cannot continue to grow and work to a bright future for the coming generations! Diversity, differences of opinion, open dialogue and truth bring strength to a community.

    The most important matter facing West Lincoln today is how we grow our urban areas while protecting our farmland and natural heritage. We need wise growth for a robust economy but it must be supported by proper infrastructure. Our agriculture sector is a big part of our community and we need to continue to support it. We also have to work with our industrial and commercial sectors to make sure that they have the opportunity to grow their businesses with ease and good service. My experience in the farming and business sector will be a great asset for our township.

    I believe that the top concern of residents of West Lincoln is the cost of living. As we see inflation and interest rates rising will we be able to feed our families? Especially now, I am committed to keeping our taxes low for families. We also need to keep the amounts low for businesses so they can provide us with the goods and service we need, at a rate we can afford. Farmers need the opportunity to grow food for us and the world without high tax amounts and with minimal government interference and regulations.     

     West Lincoln has been my family and my home for 25 years.  It is a great place to raise a family and if re-elected I will continue to strive to keep services and opportunities available for everyone no matter what their situation or medical status. My experiences on a school board, as a business owner and as a leader in my church have enabled me to serve this last term on town council and will continue to do so.

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