NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Dylan Brethour, Ward 2, Grimsby 2022

Dylan Brethour









Dylan Brethour, Ward 2, Grimsby 2022

Grimsby is undeniably an amazing place to live.

It’s full of rich history, amazing green spaces, gorgeous escarpment views, and both a lively lakefront and beautiful downtown with thriving, local businesses. Above all though, what draws people to Grimsby is the community and its small town feel. In fact, that’s what brought my wife and I, and many other young families and retirees, to the area with plans of living in Grimsby for the long-haul. 

As Grimsby continues its rapid growth, I think it’s vital that we ensure that these defining features of the town are preserved while welcoming new families, fostering economic development and allowing local businesses to thrive. To do so, it’s important to have a clear vision for how new developments and expanding population may impact the community, both environmentally and economically. This is especially important when considering projects such as Downtown Reimagined, the Casablanca Waterfront Project, and the numerous condo developments throughout the town. 

As these projects affect the community as a whole I think it’s an absolute must to include input from the residents of Grimsby when designing and approving these projects. Unfortunately, much of what I’ve heard when talking to friends and neighbours is that they feel that their requests and concerns aren’t being acknowledged. As a result, they are unsatisfied with the current council.

This leads me into the main reason I’m running for council. My goal is to bring a new voice to the table. I believe I can bring a unique point of view to council as a young, sales professional working within the scientific community. However, above all, I want to ensure that the voices of the community, your voices, are properly represented. 

If elected, not only will I bring your voices to council, I will promote continued transparency and accountability for the community. I will support the preservation of historic aspects of the town, our green spaces, and aim to build on current environmental sustainability initiatives. Further, I will also support programs to foster economic growth to ensure a vibrant downtown, while also addressing concerns surrounding road safety and traffic control.

What I bring to the table is years of experiencing working within sales. This has allowed me to develop strong interpersonal and negotiation skills that can be leveraged when working with members of the community and government organisations alike. Further, much of my experience has involved working directly with the scientific community. As a result, I have developed exceptional critical thinking and problem solving skills, and the ability to extract the most important and impactful pieces of information from complex documents, which I believe will translate well when reviewing policies and proposals.

I believe my experience, skillset, and the combined input from all of you, will allow me to make informed decisions for the better of our community. As such, I invite all residents to contact me with their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions, and ask for your consideration to be your representative for Grimsby, Ward 2.


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