NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Dave Bylsma, Mayor, West Lincoln 2022

Dave Bylsma








Dave Bylsma, Mayor, West Lincoln 2022

It is often said how time flies when your having fun. For me, eight years on West Lincoln council has flown by and it has been a great joy to serve our township. It’s been an honour to serve alongside the former and current councils, as we have been able to navigate difficult challenges together. In particular this last term being your mayor during this pandemic, was definitely a unique challenge. Nevertheless we did more than just ‘keep the lights on”, rather we continued to propel the municipality forward, and complete the goals of our strategic plan that were set before we knew the word “covid”. This is a testament to the dedication of council and staff to press forward during these critical times.

One of my unique accomplishments was to facilitate the input of our first regional councilor into the equation of decision making. Our new partnership at the region table allowed us to advocate twice as effectively for West Lincoln. Our road network is in top notch shape with plans to refurbish the remaining roads. Our water quality has been impeccable and our system is operating at peak performance. Of personal note, I tackled a very difficult and problematic file—the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. As chair for the first year we were able to stabilize the beleaguered organization and instill accountability and transparency back into this important agency. The community responded with the largest volunteer corp ever and the best ever fall festival.

Moving forward I hope to advocate for responsible, balanced and paced growth to maintain our community’s spirit yet welcome newcomers to our hometown. I worked extremely well with our west Niagara neighbours, Lincoln and Grimsby on two important files – health-care and transportation. The huge success and partnership also with the region, enabled us to put shovels in the ground for the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital after a 20 year campaign. I look forward to cutting a ribbon on this long overdue endeavor. We’ve also met over a dozen times with various provincial ministers to address a vital and safe escarpment crossing in the the Bartlett Rd area in Grimsby. In fact, our collaboration with the provincial and federal governments has yielded some of the largest amounts of upper level grants and supports in our 50 year history. It has been rewarding to work alongside MP Dean Alison and MPP Sam Oosterhoff to advocate for our township.

I am convinced that West Lincoln is perfectly positioned to enjoy a very bright future. We have a responsible mix of residence, commercial and industrial lands for responsible growth. We have the largest agricultural base in the Golden Horseshoe, and we are a pleasant and tranquil place to raise a family or retire. It was the community that my grandparents immigrated to, built in and thrived by. I’ve experienced these same blessings myself and hope to continue to serve my neighbours for another term as Mayor.

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