NewsNow E-Edition January 16 2025 – View Online

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Clarence Vanderhout, Ward 3, West Lincoln 2022

Clarence Vanderhout







Clarence Vanderhout, Ward 3, West Lincoln 2022

I am Clarence Vanderhout from West Lincon, been a resident here for just over 30 years. I have been in the transportation sector for 45 years and love my community.

I’m running in West Lincoln Ward 3 of bringing fresh leadership and a new voice to the residence of west Lincoln for various reasons. I will represent every resident, deal with every issue, in a timely, responsible, respectful and transparent manner.

Financial accountability in new projects being fiscal responsible and keeping our tax rates at an affordable rate.

Having a voice in the development and planning for West Lincoln by making decisions that are in line with the neighborhood’s and protecting the greenspace available.

Working with traffic enforcement and neighborhood safety, having a good working relationship with our law enforcement to keep our community safe.

As a community in West Lincoln, we have grown exponentially in the last 10 years. Our concern for the infrastructure meeting the criteria and inviting a good balance of businesses to grow along with us while protecting our agriculture sector.

I will bring accountable leadership to West Lincoln as we meet these challenges. Providing guiding principals for an ever-increasing population, while preserving greenspace and the small-town feel, critical to ward 3.

As a councillor in West Lincoln, I will strife to repair damages that have been done thru last few years. These have been unprecedented times with many challenges, The first thing we need to do is work closely together to build relationships and to be able to do the work our constituents voted us to do. Back to in house meetings where we can see our residents face to face, listen closely to their concerns that have not been addressed for 2.5 years.

Specific areas needing addressing is the old St Martin school parcel and College Street parcel. Our residence would like a voice in the decision making, I will be their voice.

So as we grow cautiously, we make right decisions that will be good for West Lincoln and all its residence.

Clarence Vanderhout Ward #3 West Lincoln

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