NewsNow E-Edition January 23 2025 – View Online

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Brian Romagnoli, Ward 1, Lincoln 2022

Brian Romagnoli










Brian Romagnoli, Ward 1, Lincoln 2022

Hello fellow citizens of Lincoln! I’m Brian Romagnoli – your candidate for Ward 1, and I’m here to champion the issues that you have collectively voiced, but have rarely been heard, and even less acted upon. If elected, I assure you that I will not shrink from my responsibilities of raising these issues at Council, and will put forward new ideas and solutions to the problems that face us today as a community.

Although I have never held public office, I bring to the table much experience: a masters-level university education, business acumen, a sensibility to listen, an ability to lead, and a desire to succeed. My career began in graphic design, advertising, printing, marketing and promotion in Hamilton, as did my brief stint with the Hamilton-Wentworth Police Department; then a career change that involved criss-crossing the country in print and porcelain collectibles, trade shows, exhibitions and public art; I have also worked in agriculture, the wine industry, and historic building restoration consulting.

I have volunteered in my community, and held leadership roles in both local and regional Heritage; Past Chair of both the Jordan Historical Museum Board of Trustees and Municipal Architectural Heritage Committee; I was also a Charter Member of both the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Lincoln; and was on the organizing committees of the Beamsville Strawberry Festival, Beamsville High School 100th and 125th Anniversaries, Millennium Forest, and Ball’s Falls Heritage Steering Committee.

As I go door to door, I hear over and over from the people of Lincoln that Beamsville, in particular, is loosing its “hometown values” and “small-town charm”. With a lack of Policing and Bylaw Enforcement over the last several terms of Council, we’ve seen an increase in noise, truck traffic, gridlock, and crime. With a lack of Good Planning, we have seen a shocking increase in highrises which are clearly out of scale with neigbouring homes and businesses; there are driveways that lead into intersections, which will inevitably endanger pedestrians and motorists; and a complete lack of Heritage Continuity and respect for architectural features and viewscapes that make up the Character of our Downtown. It seems that the very attributes that attracted people here in the first place to raise their families, work and retire is gradually disappearing.

I believe Lincoln’s best days are still ahead. We can learn from the mistakes of the past, and be mindful of warning signs so we don’t fall prey to the slippery slopes that can endanger our youth. It is wise to build parks for breathing space and rest, but equally prudent to provide adequate sports and entertainment venues. The new West Niagara Secondary School poses new challenges as there will now be greater distances for students to travel. As for the historic old Beamsville High School, I see a bright future, with an adaptive re-use plan to relocate the Municipal Offices, and the provision for a mix of Heritage, Educational and Institutional venues that encourage Agri-Tourism. Thought should also be given to how the Town can attract compatible industry that keeps our citizens gainfully employed throughout the year.

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