NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Adam Russell, Ward 1, Lincoln 2022

Adam Russell








Adam Russell, Ward 1, Lincoln 2022

Good day Lincoln! That is the usual salutation I begin all of my Councillor social media posts with. The last four years have been a whirlwind. There have been a lot of good days, some great, and some challenging over the course of my term. I thought hard about what I wanted to say in this space, and I think the best use is to take some time and thank the people that are often overlooked, our town staff.

It is impossible to acknowledge all of those people individually in 500 words or less. If I leave any groups out, please know that it’s not intentional, but a reflection of the limitations of the forum. To start I want to thank our Public Works department; the men and women who dedicate themselves to keeping our infrastructure sound, our roads clean/clear, and our water safe. Not many people realize the time and effort and expertise in this department, but they really deserve heaps of credit for the work they do.

Next, I would like to thank our Community Services department for everything they do to manage and promote our Parks and Recreation sector. Time and time again our Community Services has blown me away with the building of new parks/amenities, launching new programs or special events, or responding to calls for assistance around town. They are always there, and they are always happy to help.

One department I have a great deal of respect for is our Planning Department. Often, they are forced into the unenviable role of moderator between Provincial Policy and the demands of local residents (and elected officials). It is a thankless job that they do with great professionalism and passion. I have learned a great deal from our folks in Planning and I want to thank them for everything they do to build a better Lincoln. I acknowledge I have not always been the easiest to deal with as I am often resistant to change, but our staff are excellent, and their leadership is appreciated.

Our Clerks department, Finance team and Corp Communications also deserve a lot of credit. All play such an important role in keeping our local government moving and the bills paid. Thank you all for your contributions to our town and the team in Lincoln. You are always there to assist, lend insights, or often times just listen.

Lastly, but certainly not least, I want to thank our CAO. Mr Kirkopoulos has the ultimate responsibility to manage all staff and the personalities and expectations of Council. Not many people in the public realize the amount of time and dedication it takes to assume that role. Mike has constantly executed our priorities, given guidance on best practices/policies and been available to listen and give sage advice when necessary. Thank you for everything Mike.

And to all the men and women on our frontlines and anyone I have missed, thank you for everything you do. As a resident and Councillor, I appreciate all of you.

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