NewsNow E-Edition January 23 2025 – View Online

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Good comes from nasty Smithville incident

By Mike Williscraft

Charges will be laid against two youths after a Smithville boy was swarmed, knocked to the ground and punched resulting in a fractured nose and cheek bone last  Tuesday, Aug. 3.

The ordeal started with the boy being teased as he walked with a friend by the Wade Road bridge.

A group of boys approached the victim, pushing him and “smacking him behind the head,” said the
victim’s mother.

Later that evening, the victim had gone over to the skatepark and spotted the group of boys again, hiding behind a pole to avoid them.

When he tried to run, the group of boys disappeared, but had only gone to get bikes and scooters, said the victim’s mom.

“This time they circled him, knocked his cell phone to the ground when he tried to call home and told him he could get it back if he kissed one boy’s feet,” said the victim’s mom.

“He didn’t know the other boys and had never had an altercation like this before. He does not remember much after he got hit.”

A resident whose home backs on the park area saw everything transpire. It was also caught on security cameras at the community centre.

“The neighbour came out and took him back to their place, gave him some ice, and he called home. I would really like to say, this town really came together to help us out when it was needed. Several people came forward to help identify the boys, and the neighbour was just great,” said the victim’s mom.

“I also thank all the other teens who told their parents who the boys were, the ones who willing talked to the police and the ones who just called or texted my son to check up on him and wish him well and say they were there for him.”

“I just want others to know we have a lot of good teens too if that is possible because that is helping my son get through this more than they know.”

As a result of the incident, two young offenders are expected to face charges later this month. Watch NewsNow for updates.

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