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Council withdraws lawn sign threats

A plane flying in the sky has a sign trailing behind it that reads: "Who speaks for Ward 3?"
Residents are continuing to seek alternative ways to voice their displeasure with some members of Grimsby council. One resident submitted this created graphic as an idea. Others have gone in with car magnets, window posters and bumper stickers are now in the works.

By Mike Williscraft

It may be a temporary move, but Grimsby council referred the Town’s ongoing lawn sign matter to staff for a report on Monday and rescinded pending letters threatening further action if signs weren’t removed.

Coun. Kevin Ritchie initially just wanted the matter referred, but Coun. Lianne Vardy had the motion amended to include relief for residents facing further action.

Noting a letter received from the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Vardy called the Town’s bylaw “unconstitutional”.

“We need to immediately cease any action on anyone that has a sign. I think it is inappropriate at this time,” said Vardy.

Ritchie said residents should have permits for signs and residents who received letters had not applied for permits.

A portable lawn sign permit in Grimsby costs $85 for a 30-day period.

Vardy contended the Town cannot pick and choose who gets a letter and who is allowed to leave a sign up.

Voting in favour of referring and rescinding pending action were: Mayor Jeff Jordan, Councillors Vardy, Dorothy Bothwell, John Dunstall, Reg Freake, Dave Kadwell. Opposed were Councillors Ritchie, Randy Vaine and Dave Sharpe.

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