NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Tony Brunet, Lincoln, Ward 2

It is an exciting time in Lincoln.
Our community is projected to grow by 50% over the next 15 years.
The past few years town staff and council have worked with residents, business owners and stakeholders to develop a shared vision for Lincoln that will guide the work we do moving into the future.
From a policy perspective we have begun to look at community and plan for smart growth.
Growth is coming and how we navigate the new development while ensuring we provide the necessary and associated recreational amenities and active transportational investment is smart growth.
Like all communities its making sure we balance all the communities needs. We need to continue to invest in infrastructure and basic services but, also ensure in today’s economy so we remain
competitive and attract new business and support job growth. This council has increased investment in roads, parks and recreation while also putting a focus on economic outreach and business attraction.
We must balance these investments in services with long term financial sustainability while keeping taxes at an appropriate and necessary level.
Over the past 4 years the Town of Lincoln has received nearly $ 10 million from other governments to help us complete projects benefiting the community.
Council and staff remain committed to securing additional sources of funding to lessen the impact on the tax levy.
It is important that we build strong, vibrant and healthy community, while preserving our history and unique character and charm.
Two key projects coming out of the past term of council are the approval of the Prudhommes secondary plan and the development of this property, and the GO hub
study and transit focus.
These will be transformational projects for the Town of Lincoln.

Other projects that we have invested in over the past 4 year term include:
Roads investment $ 11 million
Jordan village re-development $ 6.4 million
Campden fire station $ 2.2 million
Lincoln museum and cultural centre $ 3 million
Angelina Prokich Park $ 1million
Parks, Recreational and Cultural master plan $ 220,000
Prudhommes secondary plan $ 190,000
ULinc transit pilot $ 140,000
The past 4 years my role in community involvement has been:
Deputy Mayor
Chair of Infrastructure
Chair of Active Transportation
Finance and Administration Committee member
Committee of Adjustment member
Region of  Niagara Transportation Steering Committee- council representative
West Lincoln Hospital Board Advisory Board- council representative
Pen West hydro board – member
My pledge to all residents of Ward 2 and Lincoln is to be honest with residents and appreciate and respect they have a voice in Municipal and Regional matters.
I will operate in an open and transparent manner, I will be accountable for my decisions I make and communicate with residents in a clear and appropriate fashion.
The last four years have been a challenging learning curve, but extremely rewarding.
I ask for your support and your vote on October 22 to allow me the honour and privilege to continue to work hard for you.

Tony G. Brunet

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