NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Sandra Easton, Lincoln, Mayor

Sandra Easton

The Town of Lincoln is in the midst of exciting growth and change. I want to support our community in realizing its full potential by continuing the job of making our community better – for residents, investors and visitors.

I was elected mayor in 2014 and have given more than 34 years of dedicated service to our community. I am committed to providing new and meaningful opportunities for residents and business owners to help shape the future of this town. Continuing to increase public involvement has been a pillar of my service ethic over last four years.

Dedicated to proactive planning and strengthening partnerships with all levels of government and institutions, as Mayor, I believe in the importance and value of local government to lead and build dynamic people-focused communities.

In addition to my current role as Mayor, I bring two-terms of previous council experience, and a strong record of success as a health-care and management professional. As a retired registered nurse and nurse practitioner, I served for 25 years as Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences. I also earned a Masters of Public Administration degree from Queens University.

As Mayor I represent the Town of Lincoln on Niagara Regional Council and serve on several Regional Standing Committees and chaired the Social Housing Alternative Service Delivery Task Force.

My husband Tony and I are life-time residents of the Town of Lincoln and our son David, daughter-in-law Kathy and two grandboys live in Lincoln. I feel a deep connection and commitment to my community and possess the qualifications; Council, community and policy expertise to continue to lead Lincoln from strength to strength. I know conversation is key to our successful community.

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