NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Martin Poos, Lincoln, Ward 1

Martin Poos

Hi my name is Martin Poos I first moved to Lincoln or Beamsville in 1968..yes i spent a few years growing up in Grimsby with the man in front of me .A man who was not only a builder in his community in housing but he was a strong force to the recreation of all and literally you can see the signs around Grimsby my dad Martin Poos sr. Who was a 3 term councillor for the town of Grimsby and has spent decades ..working with the town of Grimsby not hard in this day to look up and see why I’m proud to have looked up to him all my life
#1st and foremost on my list of issues effecting our town and the quality of life in it.
Heavy Truck traffic and a mountain route ..and I will take the time right now to remind those who know the history of our town and that of the hiway that connects us in Niagara to Toronto and the story behind the Bartlett exit in Grimsby it goes back in design the same time Stoney Creek and the hiway lost the traffic circle.50+ years ago Bartlett exit was going to be a hiway to Nanticoke..and got cancelled little after started .to many have already lost their lives to the present mountain truck routes. 2 and a half years ago Tony Quirk regional councillor for Grimsby was seeking the Conservative nomination for Niagara west – Glanbrook had been quoted as saying the environmental study for the mountain route was done and approved that I remind you that was 2 1/2 years ago so reality it will be another 10 years before we ever see it and that is my final peak hours 85 trucks an hour use mountain st in Beamsville..clogging our core and causing traffic headaches if you are a resident of Beamsville take a moment when your downtown go stand at the corner of mountain st and king st in front of brand name shoes look down at that new concrete sidewalk you’ll find truck tire prints ..look across the street could you enjoy a coffee sitting on the patio of the Olympia restaurant as a truck does not have 1 corner to maneuver through but 2 in the heart of our Town of Lincoln, Ontario it is no wonders we have business owners who won’t invest and empty lot.a vote for me will send a direct message to our region who controls what happens on Ontario st in Beamsville from the residence we have 6 candidate’s in ward 1 ..some of you already support 1 of the 6 maybe friend, neighbor or relative but their message will be the by all means support your friend lets get them elected I can work with anyone for the best interest of our town but your 2nd choice Martin Poos.
My solution.
A heavy truck ban on Ontario street .. geenlane-king st..we have an alternative for heavy trucks.. Bartlett.

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