NewsNow E-Edition January 23 2025 – View Online

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Ed Fulford, West Lincoln, Ward 1

Ed Fulford


I am a life long resident of West Lincoln, married to my wife Liz, for 45 years.  We have raised three children in this community. I spent my working career with the Ministry of Transportation, retiring as an electrical coordinator  in 2011.  I had the privilege of representing the West Lincoln residents of Ward 1 and Ward 3 for a total of 18 years as councillor,  followed by 4 years as school trustee on the DSBN.

Currently, I am actively volunteering with a number of organizations, including West Lincoln Community Care, New Again Construction Essentials, Friends of the Library, West Niagara Fair and Legion Villa Board. I believe in investing time in the community.

The new West Niagara Fair facility is a valuable asset  to our community, as are the small community halls in West Lincoln. I believe that our Council should actively support these facilities, as they provide health, recreation and social opportunities.

We are fortunate to be electing a Regional Councillor for the first time, to promote the varied needs of West Lincoln residents and businesses.  Better emergency  services and policing are a priority. We need a strong voice to promote the need for development that West Lincoln wants and needs, not what other levels of government want to force on us. We have rural land classified as good agricultural land, to be held for agricultural purposes only. Much of this land is marginal farm land and woodlots, that should be considered for different purposes and different taxation rates. The  Province and the Conservation Authority need to be lobbied on these, and other, issues.

West Lincoln needs the opportunity and the ability for appropriate growth across the entire municipality. I will work hard for the residents of Ward 1 and will make decisions that are good long term,  for all of West Lincoln, not just for the next for years.

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