NewsNow E-Edition January 23 2025 – View Online

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Carolyn Mullins, Grimsby, Ward 4

Carolyn Mullins

I am Carolyn Mullins and am running for re-election as Alderman in Ward 4. I am truly humbled by the number of residents in the Town of Grimsby that suggested I should seek re-election.

As Alderman for Ward 4, I have served for 8 years on the Finance and Administration Committee and the Recreational Services and Cultural Committee. For the past 4 years I have been Chair of the Finance Committee. I am particularly proud of the strong financial position of our Town. We have some of the best financial indicators of any of the municipalities across the region. We have been able to keep financial borrowings low and maintain healthy reserves. Tax increases during the past 4 years were in line with the cost of living. I have a strong financial mindset and will continue to stress the need for tight financial controls and seek new revenue streams.

A couple of large projects were recently completed. Southward Park on Mud Street is a state of the art sports field and Fire Station 2, on the escarpment provides additional coverage for mountain residents. The new fire station was completed on time and budget and provides a much needed fire training facility for all of Niagara.

Looking forward, the welcoming of Go Transit, hopefully a new hospital, the roll out of the Recreational Service and Culture Master Plan and the much needed upgrade of the Casablanca, Livingston QEW interchange will have a significant impact on our town. I will ensure these initiatives are well managed. Open houses keep residents informed and give members of council an opportunity to hear the ideas and concerns of the citizens of Grimsby. It is important we work together. We want Grimsby to continue to be the vibrant community we all love.

I have lived in Grimsby for over 22 years and am proud and committed to our town. I have an Honours degree in Finance from the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario in London. I held several Senior Management roles at the country’s largest Financial Institution managing a team of over 300 employees. I am a Mother to 4 grown children and 4 grandchildren.

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