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Will Wiarton Willie see his shadow February 2? (Updated)


newsnow readers were correct — Wiarton Willie did see his shadow …


We asked you to vote, and vote you did 🙂 And the prediction is, Willie will see his shadow.

From Wikipedia:

Wiarton Willie is the title given to that of an albino Canadian groundhog who lives in the community of Wiarton in Bruce County, Ontario. Every February 2, on Groundhog Day, Willie takes part in the local Wiarton Willie Festival. His role is to predict whether there will be an early spring. Although the original Wiarton Willie died, the Wiarton Groundhog Day celebrations continue each year with successors of the original Willie, also referred to as “Wiarton Willie.”

Groundhog Day, featuring Wiarton Willie, is a popular annual festival in Wiarton and is similar to events in other locations in North America. A midwinter celebration involving an animal with predictive powers was an element of Celtic culture. The link between weather prediction and the day is said to have been inspired by an old Scottish couplet: “If Candlemas Day is bright and clear/ There’ll be two winters in the year.”

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