GRIMSBY — Grimsby’s last known World War II veteran, Bernie Prevost, was helped to lay a wreath by past Grimsby Legion president Simon Saulnier, left, Richard Klodnicki, right, and 62 Phantom Squadron cadet Corp. Molly Biggs.BEAMSVILLE — Parade Commander Cde. Barry Stark leads The RoyaCanadian Legion Centennial Branch 612 colour party into position.JORDAN — M/Cpl Kevin Wadden, of the Corporal Albert Storm Chapter, Canadian Association of Veterans, laid a wreath during services at the Jordan cenotaph on Friday, Nov. 10. Standing guard was Fsgt Cole Abernot, 62 Grimsby Phantom Squadron Royal Canadian Air CadetsSMITHVILLE — West Lincoln Fire Chief Dennis Fisher lays a wreath at Smithville cenotaph during Remembrance Day ceremonies Saturday morning with a big crowd on hand.
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