NewsNow E-Edition July 18 2024 – View Online

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ARC meetings should start later and be complete: reader

Dear Editor,

I note that the ARC meetings for West Niagara have been scheduled. I also note that the ISR, senior staff recommendations and rationale, and School Information Profile Reports will only be reviewed in detail at the first meeting which is scheduled for Smithville District High School.

I consider this a disservice to the families of students attending Beamsville and Grimsby Secondary Schools.

Obviously the two high schools with the most at stake are getting the least information, unless they attend the Smithville presentation.

I would also point out that, in my opinion, 6 p.m. is too early for such important meetings.

Many parents are still on their way home from work, or involved with getting dinner or other necessary family commitments.

Surely 7 p.m. is not too late for the members of the ARC to function?

These meetings will affect our children and grandchildren, and I feel the full picture needs to be presented at each meeting, in order for parents to both understand have adequate input.

Helen Zimmerman

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