NewsNow E-Edition July 18 2024 – View Online

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Mike’s rant: New info, new review makes sense

The danger about blathering on about Grimsby biodigester project is the whole thing will simply become background noise and nobody will care or pay attention.

There is fine line between providing important, new researched materials and sounding like a broken record repeating the same data and anecdotes every week.

It was great to see some sign of movement by Grimsby on its transportation issue (see front page of newsnow online edition).

Transit and biodigester are by far the two hottest topics in town with repeated inquiries coming into our office almost daily for one or the other.

It has been several weeks since we’ve done an article on the biodigester project but not because there isn’t new material, rather, the data and information that is coming in overlaps information published here previously.

It reinforces it, but is not new.

Earlier this month I went up for a second tour of the site and was shown around by Joe Panetta and James Detenbeck, the two managers of the project and both are members of the utility’s board of directors.


For the full article, click here to review the January 21 online edition of newsnow.  The article is on page 14.

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