NewsNow E-Edition January 23 2025 – View Online

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Huge team effort needed to pull off Lions food drive

When one event generates 3-4 months of donations for a food bank, needless to say, it is crucial for those it serves in the community.

Such is the case with the Beamsville Lions Club’s 26th annual fall food drive which will be held Saturday, Sept. 19 throughout Lincoln.

“We really appreciate the support of the Jordan Lions on this project,” said Beamsville Lions event chair Peter Willetts.

“The Jordan Lions support allows us to expand the reach of the food drive to the whole municipality, and that is important.”

It is important because the 175 or so volunteers who will be collecting food from Lincoln front steps and porches on Sept. 19 will be hoping to gather enough food to restock empty shelves and hold the West Niagara Community Care over until Christmas.

“It is amazing what gets done in such a short time,” said CCWN executive director Carole Fuhrer.

“Every single donation has to be touched and verified. We have to make sure everything we take in is not beyond its expiration date.”

“We try to make sure everything we offer is of the highest nutritional value.”

To achieve all that, it takes a small army.

“We’re in good shape for drivers that day, but we can always use more foot soldiers,” said Willetts.

Residents can leave bags of groceries on their step or front porch the morning of Sept 19.

“We would ask if people have dogs that they bring them in that morning,” noted Willetts.

“We don’t want any kids have problems trying to pick up a donation.”

Anyone wanting to help or note they will have a donation, call 905-563-5822.


Empty shelves are an unfortunate but common sight at Community Care of West Niagara these days, says executive director Carole Fuhrer, left, with Jordan Lions’ Mike Mahood, centre, and Beamsville Lions’ Peter Willetts. Williscraft – photo

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