NewsNow Niagara E-Edition March 6 2025 – View Online

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Police Report — Impaired driver’s blood-alcohol level over five times legal limit

Saturday, March 14, at 4:45 p.m. on Fly Rd at Mountain Road in the Town of Lincoln a Chevrolet Aveo rear-ended another vehicle and then fled the scene.

Shortly afterwards police were on routine patrol in the Town of Grimsby when they noticed a Chevrolet Aveo travelling eastbound on Ridge Road East without any licence plates attached to the vehicle.

Police followed the Aveo and as the male driver attempted to negotiate through an S-bend the driver left the roadway narrowly missing mailboxes along the edge of the shoulder.

A traffic stop was conducted and the male driver was found to be heavily under the influence of alcohol. He also had open alcohol in the vehicle, and was a suspended driver. There was damage to the vehicle matching that reported at the collision in Lincoln.

The driver was arrested for impaired driving and taken to the police station where he provided breath samples that registered almost 5.5 times the legal limit of 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood.

Due to the extremely high blood-alcohol levels the 49-year-old male was taken to hospital as a precautionary measure.

The man is charged with impaired driving, Over 80mg, driving while under suspension, operating a vehicle without licence plates, and driving without insurance.

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