NewsNow E-Edition July 18 2024 – View Online

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“Aggressive” course set by Lincoln council

Calling its plan “agressive”, new Lincoln Deputy Mayor Rob Foster said council’s committee and responsibilty restructuring is a direct response to input from voters during the election run.

“This is clearly focusing on what we heard at the doorway,” said Foster.

Among the key changes in committee structure is the renaming of the Planning Committee. It will now be the Economic Development and Planning Committee. It will be chaired by Foster.

Customer service, communications and economic development will all be major areas of focus for the next term of council, he said.

Coun. Dave Thompson added that all the points included council’s plan, which also included culture and road improvements, is part of a ‘one town” theme.

“It is a great road map. We are off in the right direction,” said Coun. Wayne MacMillan.

Coun. JD Pachereva noted council “fell down”in a couple of areas in the last term relating to communication, but new processes should take care of these potential issues moving forward.

“The road rehabilitation and snow plan are two examples,” Pachereva said, adding, “We need to let the public know not just what we are doing, but why.”

CAO Anne Louise Heron said the change in direction is significant.

“It is a turn in the road. Last term we did major work on bridges and sewer infrastructure,” Heron said.

“We’re moving from a hardcore infrastructure agenda to a more customer service and communication oriented plan. Staff are excited about it.”

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