NewsNow E-Edition February 6 2025 – View Online

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Fundraiser set for paralyzed Grimsby woman

Everything can change in the blink of an eye.

This past July 20, everything changed for Grimsby’s Vallary Halladay when the 23-year-old became paralyzed after breaking her neck in a swimming pool accident in Niagara Falls.

Vallary is now quadriplegic and was recently moved out of intensive care at Hamilton General Hospital into a step-down unit.

“They are waiting to see how her breathing is, there is concern about her lungs,” said her mom Kathy Halladay, from her daughter’s bedside.

An athlete during her years as a student at Central School and Blessed Trinity, Vallary had been working at the LCBO in St. Catharines.

In spite of the grave nature of her injuries, her mom says her spirits are pretty good “although she has her moments.”

“She’s feisty,” said Kathy.

Vallary is looking at living in a rehabilitation centre for about a year and there are many expenses in her future that aren’t covered by health insurance.

Vallary’s family and friends have stepped up and a fundraiser is planned for Saturday, Sept. 20 at the Grimsby Royal Canadian Legion from noon-6 p.m.

There will be live music, a barbecue, raffles and draws. There are some great prizes including a spa package, a vacation package and much more.

“We are just looking for people to come out and support her,” said Kathy.

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