NewsNow E-Edition July 18 2024 – View Online

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Baby Sage makes front yard entrance

By Stephanie Sisler

Baby Sage Knuth made quite an entrance when he was born on July 8, on his family’s Caistor Centre front lawn!

Baby Sage Mongia
EMS attendants arrived at the Knuth home in Caistor Centre to find Baby Sage already in the arms of mom Jamette Mongia.

Earlier that day, Jamette Mongia began experiencing contractions, but she dismissed it as early labour. She and her husband Ryan Knuth weren’t expecting the labour to progress so quickly, but baby Sage didn’t want to wait.

“We were heading out to go to the hospital, but we didn’t make it out of the driveway,” explained Ryan. “She said ‘I have to get out’, and she got out the truck and told me to call the midwives.”

Laying on the front lawn, she was in full labour. Ryan called the midwives, who were 40 minutes away. He called 9-1-1.

“The operator asked me if I could see the baby’s head. I saw the head and dropped the phone to catch the baby,” he explained. Sage is their second child.

He managed to catch the baby and got back on the phone with the 9-1-1 operator. The newborn immediately let out a healthy cry to let everyone know all was well. Ryan then ran inside their home to grab a string to tie the umbilical cord and some towels. It wasn’t long before EMS arrived and took over.

“It was exciting. I was just trying to be calm for Jamette and trying to stay focused on what 9-1-1 was telling me to do,” he said. “My instincts were to make sure Jamette and the baby were okay.”

Ryan had never been in any situation like this before, but said it’s amazing how much your natural instincts kick in. He described Jamette as a very holistic person, who did a great job!

“I’m so proud of her,” Ryan said.

Everyone was just fine. Sage was born at 38 weeks, weighing 6 lbs., 6 oz. He and Jamette are doing great and are so thankful for Ryan’s help.

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