NewsNow E-Edition July 18 2024 – View Online

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Prevention best to fight crime

Fighting crime can be a lot like fighting fires –– prevention is the best approach.

Because of that, Niagara Regional Police Const. Dave Thiessen of District 8 has been busy.

Thiessen is the detachment’s school resource officer.

He spends a great deal of time in the schools speaking to students of all ages on a variety of topics.

“There really is two sides to it, the pro-active information  side and the police presence side,” said Thiessen.

“We’ll sometimes catch kids smoking drugs at lunch, you just never know. With Blessed Trinity, there is a big problem with students jaywalking on a busy street at lunch time. Generally, our biggest issues are drug use, assaults and youth mischief.”

Another part of the youth outreach which the NRP work on is an annual trip for some area youth to Camp Medeba, near Orillia. More than 100 students headed up there Wednesday.

“We have four kids from each Niagara West high school going on the trip. It is great for them.”

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